CLA in Grass Fed Beef
"Grain Poisoning or Lactic Acidosis is usually the result of beef cattle consuming large quantities of grain to which they are unaccustomed. Pasture-fed cows may become acutely ill or die after eating only moderate amounts of grain".
"If the grain cereals are deadly for our cows then should we give it to our children for breakfast"?
After 50 years of burning sugar and grains for energy, American professional athletes are switching to grass-fed beef, grass-fed butter, and coconut oil. Grass-fed beef and butter are also known for dramatically reducing inflammation in the body. Less inflammation means less pain in the joints and a quick recovery time between games. The grass-fed beef and the grass-fed butter have a different lipid profile compared to regular beef and regular butter. We are talking 7 times more Omega-3 essential fatty acids found in grass fed beef and 5 times more CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) found in grass-fed butter. Over 400 medical research papers were published in the past 20 years explaining the health benefits of CLA found in grass-fed beef, lamb, and mutton.
Being a professional athlete requires lots of energy. You've got to be in top physical shape for every game you play. Sugar packed energy bars and energy drinks are products of the past. There is a better way: burn fat, reduce inflammation and lose weight. The best you can do for your health as an athlete is to change your sugar metabolism and learn how to burn fat instead of sugar.
Whole grain cereals, bread, pasta, french fries, corn chips, processed foods and beverages made with sugar and corn syrup, will provide poor nutrition for a professional athlete expected to be in top shape for the game. Poor nutrition results in poor performance, lack of energy, body aches, joint pain, inflammation in connective tissues and organs, and slow recovery time. Sugar, grains, potatos, and all starchy foods are eventually broken down to glucose or blood sugar. Blood sugar is responsible for the glycation of proteins, formation of AGEs, chronic inflammation, joint pain, digestive problems, and life threatening metabolic changes - learn more about CROHN'S DISEASE
Some of the best known names in professional sports today have already switched to "REAL FOOD" by removing grains and sugar from their diet. The shift to "PRIMAL DIET" also known as "PALEO" is imminent and is happening right now all over America. You can order "PALEO FOOD" in many restaurants and on college campuses across the country. Eating like a cave man is popular among students, because it eliminates the sleepiness after a meal and eliminates the fogy brain symptoms. No more drowsiness and fatigue after ingestion of carbohydrates. Student athletes are discovering amazing health benefits, long term weight loss, and tons of energy without insulin spikes or an adrenaline rush. The key to success is teaching your body to burn fat instead of sugar. This is only possible if you eat good fat every day, grass fed beef, lamb, mutton, fish, coconut oil, and quit sugar consumption. It takes about twelve weeks to teach your body to burn fat for energy instead of sugar. Obviously, the biggest obstacle is overcoming your addiction to grains, sugar and convinient processed foods made with grains and sugar.
On the other side of the globe in Japan, the low carb "KETOGENIC DIET" is gaining popularity because it works. The low carb "ketogenic diet" improves the metabolic syndrome, activates the longevity gene, and has anti-aging effect - explains Dr. Shirasawa Takuji MD, aging control medicine professor at Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine and President of Japan's Functional Diet Association (
Eat like a cave man without factory processed foods made with grains, salt, and sugar. Start the day with farm fresh eggs scrambled in grass-fed butter and some wagyu beef. Adding fresh fruits to your breakfast every morning is highly recommended. That is enough sugar to keep you going. Fruits are also excellent source of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients, and bioflavonoids. Fresh green salads and cooked green vegetables are your best choice for getting the essential minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium. Pistachios, almonds and walnuts are a perfect choice when you need a quick snack, but make sure they are not sugar coated. You can enjoy your farm fresh eggs, grass fed butter and cheese, but skip the grains - NO GRAIN NO PAIN.

Being rich in Omega-3 and CLA, pasture raised grass-fed beef helps with inflammation in the body associated with chronic inflammatory conditions such as Arthritis, Inflammation of the joints, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Colitis, Crohn's disease, Asthma ... CLA helps fight 5-lipox and AA inflammation without harming your arteries. CLA does this by converting inside your body to both DHA and EPA, both of which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.

Being rich in Omega-3 and CLA, pasture raised grass-fed beef helps with inflammation in the body associated with chronic inflammatory conditions such as Arthritis, Inflammation of the joints, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Colitis, Crohn's disease, Asthma ... CLA helps fight 5-lipox and AA inflammation without harming your arteries. CLA does this by converting inside your body to both DHA and EPA, both of which have powerful anti-inflammatory properties.
I was told so many times
"There is no medical cure for Crohn's disease"
and they were absolutely right because the cure was at the farm and not at the pharmacy. Instead of searching for a cure, I decided to go the oposite direction and start searching for the cause of inflammation. When your joints hurt so much that you cannot walk, when inflammation takes over your body, when ulcers bleed inside your stomach cavity, when no medicine brings relief, when physicians tell you there is no medical cure - don’t give up hope.
The cure is in the cause.
The cure is in the cause.
Max's blood sedimentation rate was reduced 20 times. From 61 mm/hr on 02/11/2013 to back to normal 3 mm/hr on 07/01/2013 in less than six months after changing his diet (no grains, no starches, no sugar).
Max's Fecal Calprotectin (colon inflammation marker) was reduced 28 times (from 504 mcg/g on 12/20/2012 to back to normal 18 mch/g on 07/01/2013 ). The test was done at the Mayo Medical Laboratories in North Carolina, less than six months after Max's diet was changed from processed foods made with grains and sugar, to real food: wild alaskan salmon, pasture raised cage free chicken, eggs, pasture raised grass-fed beef, lamb, grass-fed butter, grass-fed cheese, raw goat milk, homemade goat yogurt, homemade chicken soup / chicken stock, every day for six months.
Max's C-Reactive Protein (blood inflammation marker) was reduced 12 times (from 6.2 mg/dl on 02/11/2013 to back to normal 0.5 mg/dl on 07/01/2013) in less than six months after switching to real food - read more.
Excerpt from the book
The truth about grains, carbs, and sugar
The truth about grains, carbs, and sugar
by Oskar Levsky
Disclaimer: This is a personal testimony by the author and the information presented here cannot be used as medical advice, medical treatment, medical diagnostic tool or alternative therapy. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner prior to making any changes to your therapy, diet or lifestyle. The information presented here is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. It is intended as a passing on of knowledge and information from personal research and personal experience. The author encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and always in partnership with licensed, trained and qualified health care professional.
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