Keto For Kids

On contrary to all doctors expectations that my son Max would need multiple surgeries and would suffer in pain for the rest of his life, Max completely recovered from Crohn's Disease after switching to low carb high fat real food - No Grains, No Potatoes, No Sugar!

"Spicy Lamb Curry" made with bone broth by Kettle & Fire

reduce inflammation, support skin, joint, and gut health with collagen

 2012-2013 Children's Hospital Los Angeles

What Happened? When the blood glucose binds to proteins the process is also known as protein glycation. This process leads to free radical damage, premature aging of tissues and organs, chronic inflammation and pain. Back in December 2012 my son was diagnosed with a chronic, inflammatory, auto-immune disease without a medical cure. Max was only 12 at the time and he had to quit school because he was not able to walk on his own any longer. The pain was unbearable in his abdomen and in his joints. 

Max's surgical pathology report from December 28, 2012 was six pages long. The doctor's at the children's hospital conducted endoscopy and colonoscopy biopsies (taking tissue samples) from his duodenum, stomach, esophagus, thermal ileum, colon secum biopsy, colon ascending biopsy, colon transverse biopsy, colon descending biopsy, colon sigmoid biopsy, and colon rectum biopsy. Max blood labs were devastating for a young 12 year old boy with inflammation in the bones and in the abdomen 20-28 times above the normal. 

2014 Thanksgiving Dinner in Tokyo

Grains and Sugar Free Thanksgiving Dinner with cauliflower, kale, cranberries, bacon, celery, carrots, turkey, walnuts, resins, coconut oil, olive oil, onions, garlic, sea salt, honey, lemon juice, love, joy, peace and patience ... no grains, no potatoes, no sugar.

A Spoon Full of Sugar (Chapter 2)  For the first time in US history, this generation of children in America may have a shorter life expectancy than their parents, according to a special report published on 3/17/2005 in The New England Journal of Medicine:. “The prevalence and severity of obesity is so great, especially in children, that the associated diseases and complications such as type two diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, cancer, are likely to strike people at younger and younger ages”. Eight years later my twelve year old son was stricken by chronic, inflammatory, degenerative, autoimmune disease, without a medical cure according to the center for disease control and prevention.
Most of the time there is no medical cure for these modern day chronic inflammatory health conditions because they are not caused by germs, bacteria or exotic viruses. The good news about these inflammatory, degenerative, auto-immune disease is that they are usually life style driven, so they are chronic health conditions that can be avoided - they don't have to happen. For example, if you live in a small village on the northern island of Hokkaido in Japan and you cook farm fresh eggs in real butter for breakfast, wild salmon for lunch, grass fed beef, lamb or mutton for dinner, you will not have to worry about heart disease and diabetes striking your family

Real Food Will Never Hurt You

However, if you work downtown in Tokyo or downtown Chicago, you will be surrounded by comfort foods: fresh baked bread, bagels, coffee, donuts, pizza, pasta, honey nut cereal, sugar infused yogurt, hot-dogs, corn-dogs, breaded chicken, hamburgers, ketchup, mustard, corn chips, ice cream, cupcakes and caramel macchiatos. Eventually, they all are going to be broken down into glucose or blood sugar. The food companies know their business very well. They know all about you. Your fast paced, high stress, high mortgage rates, urban city lifestyle, plays very important role in developing addiction to sweet and yummy, inexpensive, comforting food that you can afford. The quick fix for your stress is always comfort food usually made with cheap vegetable oil, flour and sugar. Why not? After all you've been working hard all day and all week long, right? But, what excuse you have for poisoning your child daily with deserts? I had no excuse and I am very sorry. 

You can only have 5-10 grams of sugar (blood glucose) flowing in you blood stream. All excess glucose must be burned immediately or converted to fat and stored for future use as triglycerides. The triglycerides are stored in your fat cells. 

When you are eating low carb high fat real food none of the above is relevant because your insulin and your blood sugar never goes up ... Enjoy the best food on the planet every day!

Sugar enters your body under 66 different names. Sugar is listed on the food labels as fructose, glucose, sucrose, table sugar, cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup, grape juice, starch, malt, dextran, dextrin, agave syrup, treacle, panocha, lactose, sucanat, and 50 other names to choose from. The American Heart Association recommends not more than 100 calories a day from sugar if you are a woman and not more than 150 calories a day from sugar if you are a man. Not more than 5% of all the calories in your diet should come from sugar ... 

2015 Army Garrison Japan near Tokyo

Over the next three years in Tokyo, Max gained back his strength by proper nutrition and practicing marshal arts with Sense Mitsuo Onozaki at Army Garrison Japan. Max is fluent in Japanese and has been in remission from Crohn's Disease since August 2013. He is currently working on his bachelor degree in Physics in California.

Anti-Inflammatory Chicken Bone Broth Soup  

Japanese Shiitake Mushroom Soup made with 24 hr bone broth

100% Almond Flour Belgian Waffles

Almond Flour Home Made Vanilla Cupcakes 


The truth about carbs, grains, and sugar 

Disclaimer: This is a personal testimony by the author and the information presented here cannot be used as medical advice, medical treatment, medical diagnostic tool or alternative therapy. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner prior to making any changes to your therapy, diet or lifestyle. The information presented here is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. It is intended as a passing on of knowledge and information from personal research and personal experience. The author encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and always in partnership with licensed, trained and qualified health care professional.

New Zealand Pasture Lamb

grass-fed mutton curry 


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