Diabetes T2 Defeated by Diet

Following simple ketogenic dietary guidelines I burned 34 lbs of visceral belly fat in the first 60 days and I reduced my A1C from 9.2 to 5.3 I beat diabetes in just 60 days under supervision by my medical doctor who had to monitor and adjust my medications according to my personal needs. Never do this alone without talking to your doctor first. Too much insulin in combination with too little carbs in your diet can put you in diabetic coma.

Do not change your therapy, diet or medications without talking to your doctor first 

Before and After T2 Diabetes

Keto, Ketosis, Ketogenic?   Keto is not a diet. It is a metabolic order that promotes fat metabolism and it is actually beneficial for you because you will be burning fats instead of carbs for energy. Keto works like a reset button that restores the system back to the original factory settings. It works like a switch, so you can choose to burn fats or your can choose to burn carbs for energy? After 50 years of burning carbs, I switched to fats in January of 2018 after I was diagnosed with Type-2 Diabetes.

The American Heart Association recommends not more than 25 grams of sugar a day if you are a woman and not more than 40 grams of sugar a day if you are a man.  Not more than 5% of all calories in your diet should come from sugar according to The American Heart Association. 

Obesity is a metabolic disorder that has nothing to do with your age, your character, or the amount of physical activity. Obesity is a metabolic disorder that involves many hormones such adrenaline, cortisol, nor-epinephrine, and insulin. When your blood glucose and insulin are high you are storing fat 24/7 by converting sugar into fat for future use. Obesity is a metabolic disorder that has everything to do with your metabolism of carbs, grains, potatoes, and sugar (GPS). I know all about obesity because I use to be 320 pounds just few months ago. I burned 34 pounds of visceral belly fat in 60 days after switching to low carb high fat ketogenic real food. I reduced my carbs down to 5% (from milk and yogurt) and my proteins down to 20% (from grass-fed beef and bone broths). Most of my energy 75% comes from natural fats: organic green vegetables sauteed in butter and coconut oil, pasture eggs, bacon, cheese, avocados, fatty tuna, fatty salmon, and lots of green salads topped with olive oil, feta cheese, avocados, walnuts and cashews. 

If you want to be healthy you must know your CRP inflammation marker? You must know your A1C glycation marker? You must know your triglycerides number? Remember premature-aging has little to do with your age, but the blood glucose and the glycation of proteins, formation of advanced glycation end products (AGE’s) that are responsible for free radical damage and inflammation in tissues and organs (brain, liver, pancreas, bowel,  joints, heart, arteries). You don't have to be a medical doctor to read the statistics. Today one in every three people in the U.S. dies prematurely with an inflammatory cardiovascular or heart disease. One in every two adults in America is insulin resistant, has diabetes or is pre-diabetic but does not know yet? If your glycated hemoglobin A1C is 5.7 or higher you should be very concerned what your are putting in your mouth and if you getting enough sleep? 

The Japanese people enjoy very long and healthy lives without chronic lifestyle driven diseases. Obesity and diabetes are rare phenomena in Japan. The Japanese consume big amount of fatty fish, fatty tuna, fatty salmon, fatty sardines, fatty mackerels, unagi ウナギ wagyu 和牛, eggs, bacon, butter, tonkatsu pork ramen 豚カツ made with bone broth, but nobody is fat in Japan. This Japanese low carb high fat ketogenic diet restores metabolic order, reduces inflammation,  promotes fat metabolism and long-term weight loss. 

"Spicy Lamb Curry" made with bone broth by Kettle & Fire

reduce inflammation, support skin, joint, and gut health with collagen

Kettle & Fire Bone Broths   ➤  Japanese Wagyu Beef   ➤  100% Grass Fed Beef 

This low carb high fat ketogenic diet is established on solid scientific foundation in Japan by Dr. Takuji Shirasawa and also in America by Dr. David Perlmutter. Dr Shirasawa is regarded as one of Japan's top specialists in preventive medicine for aging and has written over 260 books becoming the most popular and published doctor in Japan. Did you know that a low carb ketogenic diet improves the metabolic syndrome, activates the longevity gene, and has anti-aging effect?  Dr. Shirasawa is Aging Control Medicine Professor at Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine and President of Japan's Functional Diet Association.


Following simple ketogenic dietary guidelines I burned 34 lbs of visceral belly fat in the first 60 days and I reduced my A1C from 9.2 to 5.3 Yes, I beat diabetes in 60 days under supervision by my medical doctor who had to monitor and adjust my medications according to my personal needs. Never do this alone without talking to your doctor first. Too much insulin in combination with too little blood glucose can put you in a diabetic coma. Do not change your diet or medications without talking to your doctor first. 

I also lowered my cholesterol from 266 to 200. I also lowered my triglycerides from 172 to 65.  I actually feel 20 years younger. Dr. Perlmutter was absolutely right. I feel climbing mountains again. I reduced my inflammation down to 1.6  I have an abundance of energy and mental clarity like never before in my life.

Remember AGING has little to do with your AGE but the glaciation of proteins and formation of advanced glaciation end-products or AGE'S. High blood glucose is the underlying cause for accelerated premature aging and degeneration of tissues and organs including your brain and your nervous system. 


Diabetes puts more people on disability then all other diseases combined. One in every two adults in the USA today is diabetic or pre-diabetic but does not know yet? Did you know that high blood sugar is also the underlying cause for coronary heart disease?

"This year, more than 610,000 Americans will die from heart disease. It’s the leading cause of death for both men and women. For decades, doctors and nutritionists prescribed low-fat diets to people trying to lower their risk of heart disease. Saturated fats in meats and dairy products were thought to clog our arteries. Grains - especially “whole” ones - were thought to help everything from high cholesterol to digestion.  A growing body of research suggests this advice was wrong. For most people, it’s carbohydrates, not fats, that are the true cause of heart disease" says Dr. Eric Thorn in the latest interview.


The first symptom of heart disease is usually a heart attack and sudden death. The autopsy follows right after the first symptoms and it reveals inflammation and blocked coronary arteries. The blame goes to the cholesterol that is naturally produced by your liver and it is essential for living. It is a nonsense. Aging is not the equivalent of time past. Inflammation and Aging can be and will be accelerated ten times or more if you are chronically malnourished, living on cheap processed foods, grain cereals, flour and sugar. This new life style leads to excelerated premature aging and free radical damage of tisues and organs (oxidative stress) glycation or proteins (from excess glucose) and fatty liver (from excess fructose).  

From my own perspective, it does not matter what name they have for the inflammatory disease when the symptoms and causes are always the same: pain, inflammation and degeneration of human tissues and organs as a result of high blood sugar, glycation of proteins such as glycated hemoglobin A1C and formation of advanced glycation end-products or AGE'S.

The American Heart Association recommends not more than 100 calories a day from sugar if you are a woman and not more than 150 calories a day from sugar if you are a man. Not more than 5% of all the calories in your diet should come from sugar according to The American Heart Association. If so, then the remaining 95% of all the calories in your diet should come from healthy fats such as coconut oil, grass-fed butter, olive oil, pasture eggs, goat milk, goat cheese, goat yogurt and fats from grass-fed beef, lamb and wild salmon.

Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
starts with ignoring the guidelines

Dr. Sarah Hallberg


Sugar enters your body under 66 different names. Sugar is listed on the food labels as fructose, glucose, sucrose, table sugar, cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup, grape juice, starch, malt, dextran, dextrin, agave syrup, treacle, panocha, lactose, sucanat, and 50 other names to choose from.

2019 Metabolic Health Summit



1. Just Eat “Real Food” You don’t need any vitamin pills, shakes, powders or dietary supplements. Real Rood comes from green pastures, green gardens, and green orchards. This is very important. Real Food provides not just nutrition but also information that is shared with your genome turning your genes on and off - find more on Epigenetics https://youtu.be/_aAhcNjmvhc

2. Do your own research. Knowledge is everything. Get your hands on books, blogs, podcasts, videos.
3. Find someone you trust to keep you accountable. No more cheating with caramel macchiatos, cookies and ice-cream. Have some coffee with fresh organic heavy cream or grass-fed butter.
4. You must eat when you are hungry. Do not ever starve yourself. Every time you feel hungry sit down and eat Real Food until you are 100% full then stop and wait. Wait until you feel hungry again. This period between two meals could be very long. You might not feel hungry for 24 hours or even longer. This is normal when you eat low carb high fat Ketogenic Real Food.
5. Calories are not important. Eat Real Food until you are 100% satisfied and happy.
6. Intermittent fasting between meals (12-18 hours) comes naturally without effort on your site.

7. Never leave the house without a bag of nuts (cashews are my favorite) some grass-fed cheese, from New Zealand and drink organic coffee with fresh organic heavy cream or goat milk. Every time you feel hungry, you must eat. KETO IS NOT A DIET but metabolic process that is activated by replacing carbs with fats from real food.

8. If you hesitate to eat good fats, you will never burn any fat at all.
9. AGING has little to do with AGE and TIME but the glycation of proteins such as hemoglobin A1C and formation of Advanced Glycation Endproducts or AGE'S.
10. You will be burning fat regardless if you are going to the gym or not. Make sure your sleep nine hours every night 9pm-6am


For the first time in US history, this generation of children in America may have a shorter life expectancy than their parents, according to a special report published on 3/17/2005 in The New England Journal of Medicine: “The prevalence and severity of obesity is so great, especially in children, that the associated diseases and complications such as type two diabetes, heart disease, kidney failure, cancer, are likely to strike people at younger and younger ages”.

Children need Real Food to function physically, psychologically and socially, to burn fat instead of sugar, to reduce inflammation and experience abundance of energy and mental clarity. Real Food never comes in a box. Real Food comes from green pastures, green orchards, green gardens. Real Food changes everything.

On contrary of all doctors expectations that my son will live in pain for the rest of his life with Crohn's Disease, Max completely recovered in less then six months.

Max's blood sedimentation rate (inflammation marker) was reduced 20 times from 61 mm/hr on 02/11/2013 to back to normal 3 mm/hr on 07/01/2013 after switching to low carbs high fat ketogenic diet.

Max's Fecal Calprotectin (inflammation marker) was reduced 28 times from 504 mcg/g on 12/20/2012 to back to normal 18 mch/g on 07/01/2013 in less then six months (180 DAYS) after Max diet was changed from processed foods made with grains and sugar, to ketogenic real food from green pastures, green orchards, and green gardens. 

Max's C-Reactive Protein (inflammation marker) was reduced 12 times from 6.2 mg/dl on 02/11/2013 to back to normal 0.5 mg/dl on 07/01/2013 in less then six months (180 DAYS) after changing his diet to real food - no grains, no starches, no sugar.

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