About Oskar Levsky

Real & Lasting Life Transformation
Before and After T2 Diabetes OskarLevsky@gmail.com

By implementing new healthy ketogenic diet and lifestyle, I was able to burn 34lbs of visceral belly fat in the first 60 days and to reduce my A1C from 9.2 down to 5.3 in just 8 weeks. Personal Testimony - Not A Medical Advice

It’s quite easy to stay fit and healthy in your 20s and 30s but what do you do to stay fit and healthy in your 50’s 60’s and 70’s? The Japanese people enjoy very long and very healthy life for a reason. Very few have heart disease and cancer. Obesity and Diabetes are rare phenomena in Japan. I spent three years in Tokyo writing my books and doing my research and this is what I found. Welcome to Japan - The Fat Burning Nation http://FatBurningNation.net The Japanese consume big amounts of fatty bluefin tuna (maguro 大西洋黒鮪) fatty salmon, fatty sardines, fatty mackerels, unagi 日本鰻 wagyu 和牛, eggs, bacon, tonkatsu pork belly ramen, but nobody is fat in Japan? Obesity and Diabetes are rare phenomena in Tokyo and you can hardly see anyone on the train that looks like me? I weigh 320 lbs during my stay in Tokyo back in 2013-2016. For me and for everyone who reads my books, Japan is going to be a life changing experience. Find my blog about Japanese diet and lifestyle here http://www.TokyoForever.com The Japanese don't just eat raw fish (shashimi 刺身) but they make bone broth daily from fish bones, beef bones, chicken bones and pork bones and cartilage. Bone Broth is the most essential ingredient for making delicious and nutritious Japanese Ramen 拉麺. To have strong and healthy young-looking skin, beautiful hair, nails, strong bones and healthy joints you need collagen found exclusively in bone broths. What is collagen? Collagen is the substance that holds your body together. It takes about 24 hours to extract collagen from bones and cartilage by slowly simmering beef bones at 130 F for 24 hours or longer. Bone Broth is the only source for collagen. There is no substitute. It is commonly used as an expensive ingredient in many skin care products. However, bone broth provides ten times more collagen than any skin care product on the market. No wander why the Japanese women look young and healthy at old age? The Japanese low carb high fat ketogenic diet restores metabolic order in the body, promotes fat metabolism, heals the leaky gut and promotes long term weight loss. It has powerful anti-aging effect Once you reach dietary ketosis you will experience abundance of energy and mental clarity. Burning fat instead of sugar is quite a different metabolic experience for every cell in your body. Ketones are fat molecules that require no insulin to be utilized as fuel for your brain. Aging has very little to do with your Age but the glycation of proteins and the formation of advanced glycation end-products or AGE’s. These “sugar coated proteins” (A1C) are responsible for free radical damage and premature aging of tissues and organs; but not in Japan. The Japanese Traditional Cuisine is low carb high fat cuisine based on fatty fish, pasture eggs, bone broths, greens, and small amount of animal protein. The independent medical studies by Andreas Simm in Germany, confirm that excessive blood glucose is directly responsible for the glycation of proteins, free radical damage and premature aging of tissues and organs. Aging has little to do with Your Age, but the glycation of proteins. Theses are proteins like Hemoglobin A1C that became glycated as a result of exposure to sugar. Remember not more than 5% of all the calories in your diet should come from sugar.


 Divine Healing

Dr Sarah Hallberg
Reversing Type-2 Diabetes
Dr Jason Fung
Understanding Type-2 Diabetes

Dr Andreas Simm, Halle, Germany

The truth about protein glycation was published in 2013 in Germany by Andreas Simm MD with the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at University Hospital in Halle, Germany.
The research paper Protein glycation during aging and in cardiovascular disease was published in a Special Issue of Journal of Proteomics, Volume 92, October 30, 2013, Pages 248-259
Dr Andreas Simm
Few months later, Andreas Simm published another research paper together with a group of
German scientists, about the role of advanced glycation end-products in cellular signaling . The paper was published in Redox Biology Volume 2 on January 9, 2014, Pages: 411-429. This research paper is available at the US National Library of Medicine.

Divine Healing Donations

 Oskar Levsky

Medical Disclaimer:

The information presented here is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. It is intended as a passing on of knowledge and information from personal research and personal experience. The author encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your own research and always in partnership with licensed, trained and qualified health care professional.

If you are taking insulin or any other prescription medications you must talk to your doctor first. Too much insulin in combination with too little carbs in your diet could be deadly combination. Your doctor needs to adjust your insulin intake according to your personal daily needs. Talk to your doctor first before making any changes to your diet and therapy. The author of this book can not be held responsible for your health problems and your medical needs. This book is a personal testimony by the author and personal health research. The statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, reverse or cure any disease. The information is not intended to replace or or delay prescription medication. My book and my websites are for informational purposes only. The information presented here is not been evaluated by the FDA and should not be used as a medical advice. My books and my websites are for informational purposes only. The information is not been evaluated by the FDA and should not be used as a medical advice.



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