
Tokyo - Japan

The Japanese Low Carb High Fat Ketogenic Diet restores metabolic order in the body, promotes fat metabolism and long-term weight loss. This  Dietary  Ketosis i s beneficial because you will be burning fats for energy instead of carbs for energy. KETO   works like a reset button on your computer that restores the system back to the original factory settings when everything worked fine and you were burning fats for energy. KETO   works like a metabolic switch. You can choose to burn carbs for energy or your can switch to KETO   and start burning fat for energy.  Achieving dietary ketosys is simple but not easy. You need a simple plan and Japanese discipline to stay fit for life by enjoying the best food on the planet 🍱🍣🍜🍲🥟 After 50 years of burning carbs for energy and fighting with pain and inflammation in my body, I switched to low carb high fat real food   and my life has changed forever.  My inflammation fightin...


WHEN SUGAR BINDS TO PROTEINS I can have donuts, caramel macchiatos, cupcakes, pizza, granola-bars, honey-nut breakfast cereals, milkshakes, ice-cream and never get sick. This was my point of view before 2013, before my son Max was diagnosed with IBD. Many scientific research papers were published since then and new diagnostic tools were developed, revealing the real causes for inflammation in the human body. Highly processed foods and excess sugar consumption are deadly combination resulting in toxic acidic body environment ideal for overgrowth of deadly bacteria, fungus, and yeast that feeds on glucose - blood sugar. Depending of your genetics, sooner or later you will experience life changing event meaning an inflammatory chronic disease -cardiovascular, neurological, intestinal, neuro-endocrine or a combination of all (book page 22-23). For most physicians this means business as usual. Physicians have no time to read scientific peer-reviewed journals and research papers, and ev...


Did you know that a l ow carb ketogenic diet improves the metabolic syndrome, activates the longevity gene, and has anti-aging effect - Dr. Shirasawa, Aging Control Medicine Professor at Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine and President of Japan's Functional Diet Association. Dr Shirasawa   is regarded as one of Japan's top specialists in preventive medicine for aging and  has written over 260 books  becoming the most published doctor in Japan. Low Carb Ketogenic Food "Shitake Mashroom Soup" made with bone broth by Kettle & Fire     reduce inflammation, s upport skin, joint, and gut health with collagen Regular Exercise Discipline Joy Patience Kindness Happiness Strength Health Speed Balance Mind Body Spirit The Ancient Art of Living 65 Remarkable Year...