Premature Aging

I can have donuts, caramel macchiato, cupcakes, pizza, granola-bars, honey-nut breakfast cereals, milkshakes, ice-cream and never get sick. This was my point of view before 2013, before my son was diagnosed with IBD. Many scientific research papers were published in the past five years and new diagnostic tools were developed, revealing the real causes for inflammation in the human body. Highly processed foods and excess sugar consumption are deadly combination. For most physicians this means business as usual. Physicians have no time to read research papers, and if they do have time to read, there is no medicine your doctor can prescribe to change your diet and lifestyle that leads to inflammation and premature aging.

You don't have to be a medical doctor to read the statistics. Today one out of four people in the U.S. dies prematurely with a inflammatory coronary heart disease. The first symptom is usually a heart attack and a sudden death. The autopsy follows right after the first symptoms and it reveals inflammation and blocked coronary arteries. Aging is not an equivalent of Time. Aging can be accelerated ten times if you are chronically malnourished, deficient in essential oils and minerals, living on grains and sugar. This life style leads to accelerated premature aging of organs (oxidative stress) glycation or proteins (from excess glucose) and liver problems (from excess fructose).

Similiar to Heart diseasae, Crohn's disease in my personal understanding and research is the most advanced form of inflammation caused by glycation of proteins, free radical damage of cells, and degeneration of vital organs in the human body (premature aging) closely related to over-consumption of sugar and genetically modified grains loaded with toxic pesticides, antibiotics and herbicides that kill everything that is alive including Max's intestinal bacteria.

The disease starts as inflammation and ulceration in the digestive tract after the immune system barriers and the healthy gut bacteria are destroyed by pesticides and herbicides such as glyphosate - Dr. Stephanie Seneff, PhD explains the glyphosate effect in her interview with Jeffrey Smith. 

Both health conditions are without a medical cure, because they are diet and life style driven and can be prevented. Chronic inflammation is directly related to high grains and sugar consumption that leads to glycation of proteins. 


The truth about protein glycation was published in 2013 in Germany by Andreas Simm with the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at University Hospital Halle. The research paper Protein glycation during aging and in cardiovascular disease was published in a Special Issue of Journal of Proteomics, Volume 92, October 30, 2013, Pages 248-259.

Few months later, Andreas Simm published another research paper together with a group of German scientists, about the role of advanced glycation end-products in cellular signaling. The paper was published in Redox Biology, Volume 2, Jaunary 9, 2014, Pages: 411-429.


In January 2013, my 12 year old son Max was diagnosed with incurable, chronic, inflammatory, degenerative, autoimmune disease, without a medical cure. Max blood labs looked more like a blood drawn from a 92 year old man suffering with arthritis and sevire inflammation in the bones. The pain and the suffering with Crohn's disease can last for decades leading to multiple hospitalizations and surgeries. I was told so many times:  "There is no medical cure for Crohn's disease" and they were absolutely right because the cure was at the farm and not at the pharmacy. Instead of searching for a cure, I decided to go the oposite direction and started searching for the cause of inflammation. When your joints hurt so much that you cannot walk, when inflammation takes over your body, when ulcers bleed inside your stomach cavity, when no medicine brings relief, when physicians tell you there is no medical cure - don’t give up hope. 

On contrary of all doctors expectations that Max will need multiple surgeries and will suffer in pain for the rest of his life, Max completely recovered in less than six months after changing his diet to low carb hight fat Real Food (no grains, no potatoes, no sugar) Max's blood sedimentation rate was reduced 20 times. From 61 mm/hr on 02/11/2013 to back to normal 3 mm/hr on 07/01/2013.  

Max's calprotectin protein (colon inflammation marker) was reduced 28 times.
From 504 mcg/g on 12/20/2012 to back to normal 18 mch/g on 07/01/2013. The test was done at the Mayo Medical Laboratories in less than six months (180 days) after Max diet was changed to low carb hight fat Real Food (KETO)

Max's blood C-reactive protein (blood inflammation marker) was reduced 12 times. From 6.2 mg/dl on 02/11/2013 to back to normal 0.5 mg/dl on 07/01/2013 in 180 days on low carb hight fat ketogenic Real Food. 

Disclaimer: This is a personal testimony by the author and the information presented here cannot be used as medical advice, medical treatment, medical diagnostic tool or alternative therapy. Please consult a licensed medical practitioner prior to making any changes to your therapy, diet or lifestyle. The information presented here is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. It is intended as a passing on of knowledge and information from personal research and personal experience. The author encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and always in partnership with licensed, trained and qualified health care professional.

"Shitake Mashroom Soup" made with bone broth by Kettle & Fire  

 reduce inflammation, support skin, joint, and gut health with collagen

In 1765 a man by the name of Boulanger, opened a shop near the Louvre in Paris, France. There he sold what he called "bouillons restaurants" - meat based consommés intended to "restore a person's strength". Max's favorite Bouillon with Japanese Shiitake Mushrooms is a home made soup prepared with organic chicken bone broth rich in collagen that was simmering on low heat for 24 hrs to extract all the nutrients from the bones. 

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”
- Hippocrates (460 - 370 BC)



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