
Showing posts from 2014


Grain Poisoning or Lactic Acidosis is usually the result of beef cattle consuming large quantities of grain to which they are unaccustomed. Pasture-fed cows may become acutely ill or die after eating only moderate amounts of grain ".   If the grains are deadly for our cows then should we give it to our children for breakfast"? After 50 years of burning sugar and grains for energy, American professional athletes are switching to grass-fed beef, grass-fed butter, and coconut oil. Grass-fed beef and butter are also known for dramatically reducing inflammation in the body. Less inflammation means less pain in the joints and a quick recovery time between games. The grass-fed beef and the grass-fed butter have a different lipid profile compared to regular beef and regular butter. We are talking 7 times more Omega-3 essential fatty acids found in grass fed beef and 5 tim

Real Food - No Grain No Pain

Max tried many different kind of medications looking for the one that actually works.  The five groups of drugs used to treat Crohn’s Disease today are aminosalicylates (5-ASA), steroids, immune modifiers (azathioprine, 6-MP, and methotrexate), antibiotics (metronidazole, ampicillin, ciprofloxin, others), and biologic therapy (inflixamab).  Keep in mind, none of these powerful prescription drugs deals with the disease directly  because the cause for the disease is unknown.  Masking the symptoms instead of dealing with the disease directly was the only option we had at the time.  February 2013 Hoping for better outcome and scared for the future, I had no choice but to follow the medical protocols and to administer all the prescription medicine for Max,  for the first six weeks.  On the other side, I knew that the cure is not in the prescription drugs ... This inflammatory degenerative disease is without a medical cure.  However, I knew that if I could find the cause,


砂糖や穀物のない人生 On contrary of all doctors expectations that Max will live in pain for the rest of his life, Max completely recovered from Crohn's disease, in less than six months. Max's blood sedimentation rate was reduced 20 times. From 61 mm/hr on 02/11/2013 to back to normal 3 mm/hr on 07/01/2013. Max's fecal calprotectin protein (colon inflammation marker) was reduced 28 times. From 504 mcg/g on 12/20/2012 to back to normal 18 mch/g on 07/01/2013. The test was done at the Mayo Medical Laboratories testing site in North Carolina, less than six months after Max diet was changed from processed foods made with grains and sugar, to farm-fresh real food. This farm-fresh real food is high in dietary cholesterol, high in CLA, high in Omega-3 essential fatty acids from wild fish and pasture raised animals - grass fed grass finished beef and lamb. “ Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”- Hippocrates of Cos ( 460 - 370 BC) Max's blood C-reactiv

Japanese cuisine wins cultural heritage status | The Japan Times

Japanese cuisine wins cultural heritage status | The Japan Times

Health Benefits of Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Health Benefits of Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Diets high in animal protein may help prevent functional decline in elderly individuals -- ScienceDaily

Diets high in animal protein may help prevent functional decline in elderly individuals -- ScienceDaily


Wakanui is dedicated to providing meat-loving diners with the ultimate tasting experience in New Zealand beef; raised on natural green pastures, finished with locally grown feed, and aged to perfection in our on-site aging room. Be impressed with the art-like beef undergoing the aging process in the glass-covered facility before sitting down to enjoy carefully prepared beef and lamb grilled over the famous “Binchotan” charcoal from Kishu. Our New Zealand lamb, which in many parts of the world enjoys a higher status than beef, is char-grilled on the same “Binchotan” charcoal, resulting in a dish that is succulent, juicy and full of flavor. The ANZCO Group, producer of the beef and lamb served at WAKANUI, has until now dedicated itself to producing the highest standard meat and supplying it to the global markets. ANZCO now takes this supreme quality produce and brings it directly to the tables of internationally experienced diners through its flagship WAKANUI restaurant,

Saturated Fat - The Healthy Choice

Watch the FULL episode of the Health Ranger on the Doctor Oz Show, revealing toxic heavy metals in organic products -

Watch the FULL episode of the Health Ranger on the Doctor Oz Show, revealing toxic heavy metals in organic products -


牧草上げ牛肉の需要はニュージーランドのを置く  牛肉の生産者  、世界最重要指名手配リストに載っている Silver Fern Farms     Anzco Foods     Robbins Island    Cooking Videos    Yagi Milk     NewZee 牧草の需要がカリフォルニアで牛肉を調達したため、カリフォルニア州の深刻な干ばつ、現在市場に草を与えた牛肉の供給よりも大きい。牛は約1年のための緑の牧草地を見ていない。カリフォルニア州の農家は限界点に達している。生きている牛を維持するのに十分な草がありません。彼らの群れを救うために必死、多くはトウモロコシの代わりに、緑の芝生に切り替えしようとしている。消費者の健康を提唱-カリフォルニアの健康志向の顧客は草葉草完成牛肉のプレミアム価格を支払うことを喜んでいるオスカーLevsky氏は述べています。彼の新しい本   のREAL食べ物は   草の上に排他的に隆起した牛肉である-牧草上げ牛肉の健康上の利点についての人生を変えるの証言です。 牧草の需要が韓国に牛肉を調達し、中国と日本は世界の最重要指名手配リストにニュージーランドの牛肉生産者を置きます。今日の市場で牛肉のほとんどは穀物供給される。市場に出回っている牛肉のわずか3%が草を与えた牛から来ている   に放牧   緑の牧草地  ニュージーランド 牧草上げ牛肉が重要持って   、あなたが知っておくべき健康上の利点を。  牛は毎日緑のサラダバーや野生のハーブを楽しんでいる。彼らは、太陽の光と周りのきれいな水の年の多くを楽しんでいる。その結果、牛肉は持って   30%少ないカロリーと  400%以上のCLA   グレインフェッド牛肉に比べて   牛肉フィードロットから来ています。また、オメガ3オーバーオメガ6の比率   牧草飼育牛肉は2:1である   グレインフェッドビーフは午後06時01分であることに比べて  つまり、多くのプロスポーツ選手やボディビルダーのための牧草飼育牛肉No.1の選択肢となります。 が豊富であること   オメガ3とCLA 、牧草上げ牛肉は、炎症に役立ちます   。体内での  牧草は牛肉、ラム肉やクローン病からの私の息子の完全な回復のためのすべての違